Sunday, August 25, 2013

Get Involved! Here's How!

Apathy in the political process is increasingly prevalent, Americans either don't care or are unaware, and even if they do care and do know what government is doing they don't know what to do about it.  Many people are under the misguided notion that there is nothing "We The People" can do, or that if we do speak out we are ignored, which is simply not true.  An active citizenry that is vocal with their elected officials can and often do make a difference.

So that brings us to "How" do you get involved and stay active? 

Posting to social media sites to your like minded friends is great to keep people informed. Social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest may spread a conservative message, encourage others to share the message, increase participation in events, increase voter turnout by reminding people to vote, and in many other ways.

However, if you are looking for more ways to be involved, consider one of the following:

  • Attend a school board, city council, or county commissioners meeting -  Then write a short report about what they are considering or what they talked about during the meeting.  Then send it to your friends in an email, post it to a blog, submit a letter to editor of a local newspaper or other media (many TV and radio stations take those reports and do stories on them).  You don't have to be the reporter, just be the source for the reporter. 
  • Attend a town hall or public hearing - Same as above. - Consider speaking at the meeting, most of the time citizens can make remarks at the beginning of public hearings or at the end of a town hall meeting.  Tell your story, how a tax or program will impact you, your family, or your business.
  • Volunteer to help with your local political party. - We often complain about what the state or national parties are doing, but the real work is on the ground at a local level. If want the party to change you have to get involved with the party. We promise you that they are starving for volunteers!- You don't have to have a grand fundraiser, or raise thousands of dollars (but if you do that is great too).  If you simply get 10 people to donate $10 that pays for our radio show, newspaper, and email blast system for one month.
  • Be a liaison between a public official, elected official or other organization. - Report to other like-minded organizations about what you are doing and offer to be a hub of communications.  This is more valuable that one may realize, it keeps us from overlapping events, duplicating efforts, and it also helps promote each other's organizations.
  • Become a subject matter expert that people can trust. - Find a topic of interest, then blog about it (if you need help with blogging scroll down or ask us for help). Offer to give a presentation at a meeting or write articles for newsletters.  For example: C-SCOPE has become a hot topic in Texas, it is confusing and there are conflicting opinions on this issue.  Become the resident "expert" on this topic and inform others about what you learn and solutions to the problem. 

You can be more active on your own, start your own club/organization/group, or join one already established. Again, that is up to you and what you are most comfortable doing.

Volunteering For The Waco Tea Party 

There are a hundred ways to be active, and we have a lot of needs here are the Waco Tea Party, it's just a matter of matching your interests, skills, and availability to the tasks and positions. We have jobs for "lone wolfs" and "team players" - there is something for everyone.

Are you a graphic artist or can you edit video?  Can you do spreadsheets in Excel or create pamphlets in Word or Publisher?  Are you highly organized and willing to be the person to keep us on track at meetings?  Are you willing to research speakers for meetings and guests for our radio show?  Let us know and we'll keep you busy!

Which brings us to time. How much time you put into volunteering for the Waco Tea Party or any other organization is up to you. Like anything else in life, what you put into it is usually what you will get out of it. 

If you would like to volunteer with us send us an email and one of our Steering Committee Members will contact you. Or give us call at 254-307-8629 (leave a message if we don't pick up - we don't have regular office hours).  Or ask to meet with us and discuss the opportunities.
