We would like to first say "Happy Father's Day" to all the fathers!
Today is the last day to early vote, if you have not gone to the polls you can still vote on Tuesday, June 22. Please encourage your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers and others to vote in the Special Election for State Senate District 22! Brian Birdwell and David Sibley are the two candidates running for this important position (listed in ABC order, no preference should be inferred).
The Waco Tea Party Team |
Steven Crowder on WTP Radio Show! |
Steven Crowder
The Waco Tea Party Watchdogs Radio Show will feature a special guest this week.... Steven Crowder! Steven is a comedian and special contributor for Fox News, he will be performing at the Texas Defending the American Dream Summit in Austin!
Join us Sunday Night at 8:00 PM (Central) by phone or on the web.
The Call in number is (646) 200-0248.
For more information click here: Waco T.E.A. Party or to listen in click here: Waco Tea Party Radio Show.
You can also use the chat room to talk with the hosts and other guests. |
Get Informed!
Texas Defending the American Dream Summit! |
The Waco Tea Party is proud to be a partnering organization with Texas Americans for Prosperity to promote and defend the American Dream!
Will you be a part of Defending the American Dream?
If you haven't registered yet to attend the 2010 Texas Defending the American Dream Summit this July 4 weekend, then now is the perfect time to do so!
The preferred hotel rate of $129 per night at the Renaissance Austin Hotel will expire THIS FRIDAY, June 18. After that, rates will double, so you need to register right away!
Register now to take advantage of the discounted rate!
Tweet #TXDAD
Fireworks are guaranteed as Americans for Prosperity Foundation's premier grassroots event happens this July 2-3. This is a state-wide gathering of grassroots activists and conservative leaders for a weekend of training, motivation and networking to Take Back America and to keep our Lone Star Strong!
Joining us for the weekend are Wall Street Journal columnists Stephen Moore and John Fund, Gov. Rick Perry, Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams, Comedian and PJTV Personality Steven Crowder, Conservative Radio Host Herman Cain, ESPN CommentatorCraig James, the Honorable Ted Cruz, and many more conservative leaders at the 2010 Texas Defending the American Dream Summit.
We even have a special program for Young Patriots, aimed at those in middle school and high school!
When: Friday July 2 - Saturday July 3, 2010 Where: Renaissance Austin Hotel, 9721 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX 78759 Registration starts as low as $29 for students, $59 for general admission and $125 for families. For more info, including a schedule of events, go to
Be Involved!
America Speaking Out & You Cut! |
Republicans in Congress are reaching out and creating innovative ways for Americans to engage with their Representatives. House Republicans have heard our frustrations, it is a shame the Democrats are still deaf to our voices!

Each week YOU can vote on the program YOU want to be "cut" from the Federal Budget. You can vote via text or via the internet by visiting the website. After the votes are in, Republicans will take the measure to the floor of the house for a vote, following the vote you will receive an email telling you how the vote went and how your Congressman voted (no luck getting our Congressman on board with this program, he may need a few phone calls to hold his "fiscal hawk" feathers to the fire).
This week's choices are:
Prohibit Hiring New IRS Agents to Enforce the Health Care Law
Savings of $5 billion to $10 billion over 10 years
Terminate Exchanges with Historic Whaling and Trading Partners Program - Savings of $87.5 million over ten years
Terminate Taxpayer-Subsidized Political Party Conventions
Savings of approximately $33.6 million every four years ($67.2 million over ten years)
Require Collection of Unpaid Taxes From Federal Employees
Savings of potentially $1 billion +
Terminate Funding For The Duplicative National Drug Intelligence Center - Savings of $440 million over ten years
To vote visit

House Republicans began the "America Speaking Out" program a few weeks ago to engage the American people with Congress. We like this program because it keeps citizens involved in the process of creating and shaping policy. Toby Marie spoke with Congressman Ted Poe about the process, you can read more about that interview on our blog.
The process is easy, you sign up at to submit, vote and comment on ideas. We've watched this site for a couple of weeks and find it quite interesting and impressive. Americans DO want to be involved in politics, however they also want to be "heard" by Congress. It's a shame that Democrats do not attempt to engage Americans in a free flowing forum such as this one.
If you submit an idea to America Speaking Out let us know, we would like to track our members and supporters progress.
Stay Active!
Commissioners: Say the Pledge! |

The McLennan County Commissioners Court continues to defer and delay a decision on whether they should say the Pledge of Allegiance before the Court begins their meetings.
We are asking all citizens who believe that the Court should be saying the Pledge to attend the next County Commissioners meeting Tuesday, June 22 at 9:00 AM and to contact them today and Monday and make your voices heard!
For more information about this story, please visit our blog.
Contact the County Judge and Commissioners (click on name for emails):
County Judge, Jim Lewis -254-757-5065
Commissioner Ray Meadows - 254-757-5064
Commissioner Lester Gibson - 254-757-5062
Commissioner Kelly Snell - 254-757-5061
Commissioner Joe Mashek - 254-757-5063 |
Tea Party Patriots Issue Action Alert! |
Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,
We have received information from Capitol Hill regarding the "Disclose Act" and we must work to defeat this bill. The vote is expected to take place tonight or tomorrow. On April 29, 2010, Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) introduced H.R. 5175, the Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act. The bill is a direct response to Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (McCain- Feingold) - a First Amendment victory in which the Supreme Court overturned the prohibition on corporations and unions using treasury funds for independent expenditures supporting or opposing political candidates at any time of the year. Simply put, the DISCLOSE Act will limit the political speech that was protected and encouraged by Citizens United. Speaker Pelosi and the House Majority Leadership are making it a priority to pass this bill. This bill is designed to take away the influence of Tea Party and other conservative groups in the upcoming November election. We feel like this bill will be successfully challenged in the courts, but the ruling will not come before the November election. An exemption has been carved out for the Labor Unions and other leftist advocacy groups. The NRA was also exempted so they would not oppose it. Roll Call Magazine reports today that they have carved out even deeper exemptions in order to assure passage and we believe it clearly shows the intent of the bill is to diminish the effectiveness of Tea Party groups and other newer conservative advocacy groups. "Facing wide-ranging blowback from an exemption tailored for the National Rifle Association, House Democratic leaders have decided to expand the carve-out from disclosure requirements in a campaign finance measure they are trying to pass this week.
The new standard lowers the membership requirement for outside groups from 1 million members to 500,000. Those groups would still need to have members in 50 states, have existed for 10 years and can accept no more than 15 percent of their funding from corporate or union sources. The broader bill, called the DISCLOSE Act, comes in response to the controversial Supreme Court decision in January that struck down limits on corporate and union spending in elections. The bill would force groups participating in elections to name their top donors, among other changes."
We need you to make phone calls, send emails and faxes and urge the Congressmen listed below to vote no on this bill. If you are a NRA member, we urge that you email the NRA and ask them to oppose this bill. Together, we can make a difference!
NRA - and
Reminders |
Tuesday June 22 - Election Day!
Tuesday June 22 - WTP Watchdog Mtg
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Main Library - Downstairs
1717 Austin Ave.
Waco, Texas
Please vote first then join us at the meeting. This meeting's agenda will include a few guests from area businesses to discuss a project they would like assistance in promoting. They will be speaking to our group at 6:00.
If you have any questions or comments please contact us at:
Don't forget to "Call, Write & Share" our message with others and your elected officials!
We thank you for your activism and support! Sincerely, The Waco Tea Party Team
Quick Links
Waco Tea Party
WTP Blog
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WTP Radio Show
City Council Watch
Waco Tea Party, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code (status pending). Contributions to Waco Tea Party, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. |
About Us |
Mission Statement:
The Waco Tea Party is a grassroots, non-partisan organization dedicated to educating citizens and assisting them to become more informed, involved and active in the political process.
Values Statement:
The Waco Tea Party believes in Constitutionally Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility and Free Markets. We support the Constitution of the United States, the Texas Constitution.
Vision Statement:
The Waco Tea Party envisions a country where the citizenry is educated, empowered and engaged in our political process.
The Waco Tea Party has a dual purpose; to be a citizen watchdog organization which holds elected and appointed government officials accountable to the citizens and to be an advocacy organization for issues relating to our core values.
The Waco Tea Party does not support or endorse political candidates or political parties.
The Waco Tea Party does not engage in social issues and only chooses to address topics that are related to our mission, vision and values.
Waco Tea Party's Fiscal Responsibility Policy
The Waco Tea Party has an "open book" and transparent policy on our budget. Anyone at any time can request our latest balance sheet (we are not permitted to give out names or information about donors) we do release the total amount donated and the expenses.
The Waco Tea Party operates as a non-partisan, grassroots, bottom up organization. We do not take funds from other organizations or groups.
The Waco Tea Party does not have any paid staff. Our Board of Directors nor anyone on the Executive Committee, Leadership Council or Volunteers are paid a salary. Everyone associated with the Waco Tea Party is a volunteer.
If you have any questions or comments please contact our Treasurer.
Thank you,
The Waco Tea Party
Board of Directors
State Groups of Interest - Other places to be active!
National Groups of Interest - Other places to be active!