Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A memo to the McLennan County Commissioners: SAY THE PLEDGE!
McLennan County, Texas - The McLennan County Commissioners Court does not currently say the Pledge of allegiance before the Commissioners Court meetings. The Waco City Council says the Pledge, our state legislators say the Pledge each morning they are in session, and our school children say it in the mornings before classes. The Waco Tea Party and other civic organizations say the Pledge before their meetings. Yet the Commissioners Court is silent on the Pledge!
County Commissioner Joe Mashek introduced an agenda item several sessions ago to compel the Commissioners Court into saying the Pledge and "God Bless Texas" at the beginning of each Court session. We commend Commissioner Mashek for his initiative and patriotism, we wish the other Commissioners and the County Judge would show the same intestinal fortitude!
Each week the measure is taken into Executive Session to discuss the matter with an attorney. This costs taxpayers every week this is done because we have to pay the attorney his hourly fee while he is there. The Court keeps "deferring" the issue, leaving the citizens in the dark and frustrated with the lack of courage to act on this matter. We demand action! Why can't this matter be brought up for a vote in Court? How much do they have to pay the consulting attorney before they make a decision? What changes from week to week? Who or what is the hold up? What's the problem? We hear crickets chirping.....
If the Pledge or the United States flag offends an American citizen they do not have to participate, they have that right. It is wrong to prevent the vast majority from saying the Pledge because a few are offended.
If the actions, or lack thereof, of the Commissioners Court offends you, please consider giving them a call with your opinions. We're sure they appreciate citizen involvement and input.
Commissioner Court meets each Tuesday at 9:00 AM at the McLennan County Courthouse (when you enter the Courthouse turn left on the first floor). Let your voice be heard and your presence felt, it is an election year!
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If you care about this issue, please give the Commissioners a call or send them an email (or both).
County Judge, Jim Lewis ( 254-757-5065
Commissioner Ray Meadows ( 254-757-5064
Commissioner Lester Gibson ( 254-757-5062
Commissioner Kelly Snell ( 254-757-5061
Thank Commissioner Mashek for taking the initiative!
Commissioner Joe Mashek ( 254-757-5063