Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Congress Is Back! Is The Export Import Bank In Or Out?

By now most of you have heard some rumblings about the Export Import bank, also referred to as EX-IM Banking. Why is this small agency under fire? Well, some conservative activists and organizations are pushing to get rid of it as a "test of faith" for Republicans in Congress. If they won't get rid of this small disaster now, they most likely will never get rid of it. Others feel that as long as it goes away soon, it is okay too. Some people want to keep it, claiming that it helps manufacturers and jobs.

We discovered this video and thought it was an excellent way to convey what the EX-IM bank is, and why many conservatives want to allow it to expire.

After watching this video we encourage you to contact your Congressman and let them know your views. Congressman Flores has stated at his town halls that he would like to see it go away (paraphrasing here), however his offices are not saying which way he will vote. Your opinions matter, so make you contact him today!

Waco Office:
400 Austin Avenue, Suite 302
Waco, TX 76701
Phone: (254) 732-0748

Bryan-College Station Office:
3000 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 406
Bryan, TX 77802
Phone: (979) 703-4037

Austin Office:
14205 Burnet Road, Suite 230
Austin, TX 78728
Phone: (512) 373-3378

Washington D.C. Office:
1030 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6105
