Saturday, July 31, 2010

Are you Soured On Spending?

Our friends at Americans For Prosperity - Texas have been on a "Soured On Spending" tour of the Congressional District!  The Waco Tea Party is participating in the program and we hope you'll join us in raising awareness on Congressional Overspending by Congressman Chet Edwards.  You can volunteer by filling out the form at the bottom of the page or clicking here.

Congressman Chet Edwards has voted FOR every spending increase, every bailout, every subsidy and YOU are footing the bill!  We have been tracking his votes on the You Cut program, and our Congressman has not voted once to reduce government spending.

Week One: Americans voted to cut spending on the New Non-Reformed Welfare Program - Congressman Chet Edwards voted NO to cut this spending! - The program currently costs approximately $2.5 billion a year.

Week Two: Americans voted to cut spending by Eliminating the Federal Employee Pay Raise - Congressman Chet Edwards voted NO to cut this spending! Freezing federal civilian pay at the current level for one year would save approximately $2 billion next year and $30 billion over ten years. 

Week Three: Americans voted to Reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Congressman Chet Edwards voted NO! - Savings estimated at $30 billion.

Week Four: Americans voted to sell excess federal property! - Congressman Chet Edwards voted NO! - Potential savings of up to $15 billion

Week Five - Americans voted to prohibit hiring new IRS agents to enforce the health care law! - Congressman Chet Edwards voted NO! - Savings of $5 billion to $10 billion over 10 years

Week Six - Americans voted to cut tax payer subsidized Union activities - Congressman Chet Edwards voted NO! - Saves potentially $120 million a year and $1.2 billion over ten years

Week Seven - Americans voted to prohibit stimulus funding for promotional signage and recoup previously spent funds! - Congressman Chet Edwards voting NO! - Saves: Tens of millions

Week Eight - Americans voted to prohibit "First Class" subsidies on Amtrak! -Congressman Chet Edwards voted NO! - Potential savings of $1.2 billion over ten years

Week Nine - Vote Now!  Click here to choose which programs YOU would like to see cut from the budget.  Then ask Congressman Chet Edwards to vote YES to the cut!

(You can submit your ideas to Congress on what spending YOU would like to be cut by clicking here:

Do we see a pattern here?  Yes, we sure do!

That is why we are asking you to join Americans for Prosperity's Soured on Spending program.  If you would like to sign up, please fill out the form below, someone will contact you to give you instructions and more details!
