Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Let Freedom Ring, just not a tele-conference call!

As we were sifting through the thousands of emails today, we were alerted by our conference call provider that Congress wants to put a stop to those pesky, free conference call providers by taxing it... and who is behind it?  Big, commercial business and others who are making outlandish claims.  Free tele-conference services have been used by facilitators (leaders, organizers, and volunteers) of many grassroots groups, conservative and liberal.  Ending our means of communication is one way to shut us all up and make us pay for a service they may not want us to have at all.  Of course, we took immediate action and will be contacting everyone in Congress with our opinions and we ask that you join us!  

If you would like to keep the lines of communication going, please send Congress a message via this website:



Please Write Your Members of Congress Now!  
We need you and your colleagues that use FreeConference and InstantConference to contact your Member of Congress right away to voice your opposition to this potential change that, if enacted, will increase your costs of conducting conference calls.

Your Congressman needs to understand that eliminating your ability to communicate with your business and non-profit colleagues through free teleconferencing services is unfair, unacceptable and anti-competitive. Additionally, large telephone companies are alleging that customers of free teleconferencing services are using these services for pornographic and controversial activities. We need you to tell Congress that this is simply not true.
Simply fill out the form to the right and click on the “Act Now!” button to let your Member of Congress know how free conference call services are a cost effective way to help you connect with your colleagues, and conduct vital business for your organization.  Thank you in advance for your quick response to this important issue.
