Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Where's Chet?!

Waco Tea Party Watchdogs issue an all points bulletin!

Last summer the Waco Tea Party and area citizens requested town halls on healthcare, they held protests, made thousands of phone calls and wrote hundreds of letters.  

This summer we expected Congressman Chet Edwards to hold a town hall (good thing we didn't hold our breath) to explain how the health care legislation would impact citizens and business owners.  We expected him to also address the upcoming legislation, and to answer questions from the people he represents.  

After voting for a "lame duck" session, we fully expect to hear WHY and WHAT he aims to help the Obama administration, Nancy Pelosi and other liberal, progressive members of Congress shove down our throats in November! You can bet it'll be a doozy!

He has once again forgotten that HE WORKS FOR US, not the other way around.   

It is a Congressman's duty to report to citizens (we know, we know, he "reports" through propaganda sent out at tax payer expense disguised as "updates" when it looks more like campaign literature to most constituents).  

Has Congressman Chet Edwards forgotten that he serves at the pleasure of the voters? 

Congressman Edwards, it's time to come out of hiding and face your constituents!  Answer the tough questions and stop hiding from those who elected you to represent them!
